Getting Consistent – 5 Tips on Consistent Consistentcy




If you are anything like me and starting out with your own business then you probably have the same problem with consistency. It’s so hard to keep up with blog posts, podcasts, video content then on top to also work and consume same.

The only way I can stop this train of non-consistency is to create a calendar and start incorporating daily dos. Consistency alone is not worth the blog its posted on, the hard part is coming up with readable/watchable content without cringing when you watch yourself back.

My motto has always been ‘Just Do It”. I should practice what I preach and/or take my own advice but then again who really takes their own advice. You have to be very present of mind in order to be in the middle of a dilemma to stop and think ‘didn’t I say a few months back to someone they should do such and such in this situation, I’ll take my own advice’. Like when does that happen? I believe its possible but takes a bit of training.

Well, I want to kick my heels into gear and get a clear stream of consistency going. In my mind that is a daily morning blog, a twice-weekly podcast and twice weekly vlog. Once I build up camera confidence and routine I will try to do these daily. Eek, no pressure.

In the industry, they say the best and only way to do it is batch! Batching though also takes a lot of time and a crazy amount of content but it frees up the rest of your time.

After divulging one of my biggest obstacles I have come to the conclusion that the only way to solve this is to make a simple strategy by creating a calendar sectioning off a day for blogging and podcasts and another day for vlogging and sticking to the same day every week, therefore, training oneself to be consistent.

So my 5 tips on being consistently consistent are:

1. Keep your eye on the prize – Know why you want to have that stream of consistency. You may want to build your audience, you might have something you strongly want to share or have a story to tell. Whatever it is, know why you are doing it and keep that in mind.

2. Prioritise your schedule –  If its important to you or you strongly want to be consistent then that should be your priority. Like I said get a calendar and section off a day or few hours every week where you can have space to write, film, record, meditate or whatever it is.

3. Batch – This does work as it frees up the rest of your time. As we both know do sit and do a blog, vlog with editing etc every day will just eat into all your time. As #2 says if you can corner off a few hours or a day a week to do this then you can create a week’s worth of content.

4. Word Economy  – If you are getting consistent about your business/social media etc know that it doesn’t have to be of an epic size proportion. People have less and less time so if you can say what you need to say in a few paragraphs or in 5- 15 mins of vlogging or 30 min podcast di it!

5. Enjoy it – If you don’t enjoy what you’re saying and you feel you are forcing content by over researching and pulling your hair out then stop. It’s not for you. If you can hire someone to create your content for you it will make your life so much easier and you can still be the face of your company. You don’t need to and shouldn’t do everything yourself. Step back and focus on scaling your business. Your audience will know if it’s genuine or not.

I hope these tips are helpful. If you have any advice, more to add or any suggestions please feel free to leave a reply in the comment box.

AKM xx





Dublin Tech Summit

How time flys. A lot has happened since my last post. I fully intended to keep blogging as regularly as possible but busyness, travelling, working, relaxing and catching up all get in the way. Anyway, I’m back to report my opinion on Dublin Tech Summit.

Dublin Tech Summit is filling a gap since the Web Summit left Ireland for Lisbon. It was my first time at The Dublin Convention Centre. Besides its stand out exterior design being of a tubular shape, its inside is hot from sun streaming in through its wall of glass. A fairly standard convention centre. Nothing makes it special once inside besides the metal stairs and glass structure architecture which is quite eye-catching but none the less standerd contemporary.   Once inside its rooms are fairly basic with no sit-down restaurant or cafe. I should think most convention centres have several of each.

The Tech Summit was fairly disappointing. The one speaker I wanted to see you couldn’t get near. You couldn’t even get around the corner to the room where he was speaking. They had promised to ‘stream it’ downstairs but that in itself was a task plus you missed out on the first 20 mins before you could find it. The Music Tech room which was my main interest was nicely large, cool and spacious but it seemed to have a lot of the panels talking about the same thing, – streaming. There was no technology to be seen (considering) but plenty of interesting speakers and panellists.

One of my main objectives was to get to sit and speak with an investor of which there were many but you could only book an appointment through their app. I used the specially designed app for Dublin Tech Summit called Grip. I amongst others found it pretty useless. I tried to book many appointments with speakers,  investors, advisors and the like but had no luck. It was near impossible to connect with anyone using ‘Grip’.

The Tech Factory room was packed, small and sweaty. There wasn’t any cafe or restaurant in the Convention Centre to go to, just overpriced coffee stalls just short of a hot dog stand.

There are nice cafes and restaurants around the area but they are a few minutes walk away and if you are in between talks and wish to sit and chill for 20 minutes then you can sit on the wall or ground. Nice.

Overall a disappointing experience and not worth the money. Tickets were going for between €300 – €500 but if you were a ‘woman in tech’ it was €59 – not sexist at all.

To be fair it is only in its 2nd year so it has plenty room for improvement. If you ever go, decide for yourself and leave me a comment x

(my honest opinion)


(short, snappy and up front)



Wow! You really do get swept up in all goings on and easily distracted. So overwhelmed with what I should be putting my energy into. Need income but want to pursue the bigger picture. Should I focus on e-com and try to bring some money in (not guaranteed) or put my focus on being a business and lifestyle coach which I feel I would be very good at, but its a flooded market or hold tough and focus as turning my app into a business? The list goes on.

How do people have one goal? It would be so much easier as an entrepreneur if I just had one focus, one dream, one goal. I have two main passions but can’t really make a career out of them now but I do intend to explore them more as hobbies once I am a millionaire.

Somedays its great and motivation is at the forefront, then other days are where I think why bother, am I ever going to settle into a business which I will love, enjoy and thrive. I think sacrifices need to be made and more time put in. Then the more I will get out of time spent laptop bruising and things will fall into place. In order to do this, I’ve decided to give up alcohol until June 1st which will make it approx 3 months (a tough decision)

I will defiantly give it a good go to keep the head down, save and try put money into at least one business and give it a good crack. Am I choosing the right business to focus on if I invest? I am currently doing a short course and last night was all about figures. Which definitely and admittedly are my down point, gladly it was simplified so I will try to gather some projections and add them to my business plan (not that it will make a difference).

The long and short it of it is its hard on your own as an entrepreneur starting out. It’s never easy on your own when you have so many choices and options out there and so many interests. It definitely gets overwhelming and you end up getting frustrated because you are spreading yourself to thin. I’m going to dig my heels in and drive on. Set a timeline and goals and that’s the plan of action.




A little progress, will hopefully go a long way :)

As you might be aware already I created this blog to document my entrepreneurial progress. It also encourages me to get on with my projects and get shit done.  It can help to have something to blog about so it’s a good little motivational strategy.

Well, I started a course last night in Music Busines and it seems it could be quite interesting and beneficial. I did do a music business course before in London in Point Blank college but that was back in 2012. Things have definitely changed since then and I am also curious to see what the current Irish landscape is, so watch this space.

Another touch of progress is I’m applying for a grant incubator programme and I managed to complete the application but I need to teak it. Fingers crossed I get in. It would be of huge help to my business development and strategy.  It also seems I may have a potential investor on the horizon but I won’t get my hopes up.

If your wondering ‘investor for what-what” I am currently developing an app for musicians called Tip Jar, it allows audience participants to ‘tip’ an artist in real-time.

Being a typical entrepreneur I have about 1000 ideas a day. Its so hard to decide what will fit, what I will still enjoy doing down the line and what I will make good money from. But music has always been my passion so I am glad to have had the idea as it should be easy to monetise and it solves a major problem in the industry.

So I am steadily building momentum just hope it continues. One major obstacle was getting the business plan together which I managed by the end of January, delighted as that is the basis for being able to move forward.

Video content is another obstacle to try conquer, I’ve had a few false starts but I did manage to just go for it and wing it. You can check out the video below. Feel free to comment or if you have suggestions for content.

Another little achievement was setting up my podcast Culture Sway. I uploaded the third episode yesterday (also available on iTunes. Its still in a raw state as I have to buy a licence to use royalty free music (as the track I had got removed) which I will have by the next episode so I hope to have a good enough intro and outro. For now, you can hear the raw interviews below.