
Hypnosis is a topic that people either overlook or are sceptical about. There seems to be a lack of understanding as to what hypnosis really is and how simple yet beneficial it can be.

Have you ever done something on autopilot? For example have you drove to work or the shop and arrived not remembering the drive? Or just anything you do automatically without thinking such as pulling out and sparking up a cigarette? We all have. That is your subconscious mind working for you.

Your subconscious mind works on your behalf. It picks things up that you do regularly, stores the information and is always working to keep you protected by acting on your behalf when it needs to. Your subconscious mind can make or break any habit.

What makes a habit hard to break is the longevity of it. The fact that you have been doing the habit a lot longer then you have not been doing it. But you can easily form a new habit with repetition just like when you formed it originally, you either intentionally or unintentionally conditioned yourself to form what habit you have. The good news is you can also condition yourself to break the habit by forming a much healthier and prefered habit.

That’s where hypnosis comes in. The common misconception is that you go to a hypnotist get hypnotised once and you will be magically cured. Unfortunately, it takes a little bit more than that but not too much more which is the good news. For anyone that feels they are too busy to put the time and effort into breaking their habit all they have to do is to listen to a recording daily when they get the chance and with consistency, it will work.

Like anything in life with repetition, it will sink in. It gets recorded in your subconscious mind, after listening to a recording several times it will get clearer and clearer to your subconscious that you want this thing, habit or action you are listening to happen and it will rise up to your conscious mind and before you know it you have formed a new habit and mindset.

Bear in mind a habit can be anything from an emotion to a feeling or mindset to a physical habit. You can use hypnosis for anything including:

  • Lose weight
  • Mindset
  • Quit smoking
  • Anxiety
  • Focus
  • Study/learning
  • Motivation
  • Finding more energy
  • Eating healthy
  • Exercising
  • Mental health issues
  • Boosting creativity
  • Phobias
  • Sexual issues
  • Stress
  • Relationship issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Sleep
  • Communication
  • Confidence

and more…

On this week’s podcast I have put together hypnosis for motivation, goal setting and success.  I would recommend listening to the hypnosis recording for the next 30 days for it to have the best effect. It is a short hypnosis for if you are busy throughout the day you can take 20 minutes to just relax and listen.

Some hypnosis sessions can be much longer usually 40-60 minutes. If you would be interested in a personalised hypnosis session you can email info@antoniakmoore.com


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